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Internalised Misogyny : What is it?

Break the Cycle Project

A short explanation of the meaning behind internal misogyny and why we are challenging it.

Internal misogyny

Internal misogyny is defined as the idea or act of prejudice by a woman upon other women and even onto themselves. The prejudice of women needing to act a certain way stems back to childhood where most children were taught that boys and girls are different. Whimsical things like toys and clothes can feed into the festering idea of gender discrimination. The gender bias within a female child can grow into an invisible monster behind their head telling them that it is wrong to act boyish or loud, which the child will start to develop internal misogyny towards themselves and eventually apply it to other women.


The project to fight against it

Our project’s purpose is to prove that internal misogyny happens even in a female majority environment such as in a girl’s school. Moreover, the cause of this project is to dissect the impact of internal misogyny on each school member whether that be from a student or a teacher. It will also explore how the hatred that was taught from a young age can create oppression towards other women and even towards themselves with acts of objectifying women and criticism of differences.


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