The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit professional organisation. Tracing its roots to 1958, it is the oldest English language teaching association in Malaysia which continues to be guided by its constitutional aim of advancing English language education. Visit http://www.melta.org.my to learn more about MELTA.
The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) has been organising an annual international conference for almost 30 years. Unfortunately, the 29th MELTA International Conference scheduled for June 2020 was postponed in compliance with the Movement Control Order imposed in Malaysia to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference organising committee has now decided that the conference will run online in July 2021.
The online conference invites delegates to deliberate on a range of themes related to English language education. As MELTA conferences have always centre-staged English language teachers, the conference recognises teacher and student-teacher presenters with special awards as they showcase their innovations and successes. The conference also opens its doors to student participation as competitions are held to encourage greater use of the English language.
Conference theme
Be Future Ready: Shaping New Understandings in the ELT landscape
Global developments due to the COVID-19 pandemic have heralded unprecedented changes in the education landscape. This has forcibly redefined the roles of all education stakeholders worldwide. Within a short period of time, classroom practitioners have had to adapt to drastic changes and challenges in their normal practices. While digital technologies have been enablers in the continuity of education, we cannot deny that poor connectivity has exacerbated inequity in education. Education systems and institutions are therefore constantly challenged to find better solutions for effective implementation. Indeed, this is also the time to discuss long-term reform as we prepare for an indefinite future. In the context of this scenario, we invite researchers, ELT stakeholders and classroom practitioners to deliberate and discuss observations, experiences, and ideas on these and other fundamental questions related to the English Language teaching and learning landscape:
What can we learn from the disruptions in the English language teaching and learning environment?
What pedagogical shifts must we make to our practice to serve students’ learning needs?
How can we prepare ourselves and our students for this indefinite future?
MELTA is confident that the conference will promote the dissemination of ideas for ethical and responsible professional practice among ELT stakeholders.
“The past, like the future, is indefinite and only exists as a spectrum of possibilities.”
Stephen Hawkings