Sometimes, compliments may be just underhand insults
Internalised misogyny can hide in the crevices and corners of words that you hear, and under the hands that fling around from the actions you witness. Whatever it is, internalized misogyny is an issue that people should deal with face to face and do that, first we must know the signs
1. Unwanted Judgment
She's so bossy.
Sometimes, we may come across people that do not bend back to grace us in our comfort zones. They are the people that aren't afraid to speak their mind, which oftentimes might let out some unruly comments.
Women that do not fit into the 'box' of feminity usually are the victim of these comments, which is why we need to take a step back from how we view people and try to reason our critical mind. It's easy to let ourselves go and let our thoughts take over, but we always have to remember that sword of words will stab a heart harder than sticks and stones
2. Rejecting Femininity
Pick me girls are very well known these days thanks to TikTok and Instagram shaming them to oblivion. Yet, shame and meanness never solve anything but instead just pours fuel over the fire.
These pick me girls need to be understood that the reason why they rejected their own identity as a woman is because of the fact that they have been taught that feminine is weak, thus rejecting their female status to 'be with the boys'
Ask yourself, were you ever a pick me girl? 3. Fitting into a box
Opposite of pick me girls, sometimes there are people out there who are doing the absolute worse by gatekeeping and drawing lines of what is feminine and what is not. An example would be having the standard that women should wear make-up or that women who do not shave their body hair are trying so hard to 'be a man'. These scenarios aren't something that is so surprising, after all, years of oppression and being told that women will never be equal to men ever just gets you rolling your eyes, does it? But let's be real here, letting these standard and thoughts go free isn't a good thing, especially to young girls out there who are still finding themselves in their young years of a teen.
Sometimes we just have to hold our horses before we speak and act and ask ourselves whether our next move can hurt someone. Feminity is a beautiful thing that all women should embrace. It's a concept of being women, and there are no actual rules out there saying that this or that isn't feminine. Be yourselves, and go on your merry way girl!